Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Warm up Concepts & Sketches

Well, I quickly came up with these concept ideas for my piece of furniture to be place outside the event. But I’m still trying to explore more and do few changes and thinking of more ergonomic features. In the mean time I would like to leave these concept ideas as a quick warm up.

Few new ideas before throw into Solidworks..

Design Constraints that need to be Considered!.

100% Design Tokyo events are always held in large open spaces with thousands of visitors every year, according to my research and observation I have noticed there isn’t any outdoor furniture for the visitors to relax or even for a kid to sit out or to play. I have decided to design an outdoor furniture piece for children who are under 14. my target audience would be a Kid(male/female) aged between 5-14. The following is a list of design constraints that need to be considered while designing my piece of furniture: -
-Most importantly Lightweight.
-Very portable.
-Must hold up to 200kgs
-Variety of locking systems
-Easy self assembly
-Economic use of material
-Very Cost effective
-Comply with Australian standards and ergonomic dimensions.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Concept Sketches

Chosen Spot

I have chosen to design a children’s outdoor chair stool ( a medium sized kids style furniture) for this event. Because the Exhibition Building does not have much spare outdoor furniture’s for the children who come with their parents. I was planning to place my chair (chosen final concept) all over outside the Exhibition building or inside.( haven’t really thought about it yet, but I will soon figure that out).